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All learners will be admitted to the school as pert guidelines form the following: The Provincial School Education Act, 1995 (Act No.6 of 1995); National Education Policy Act, No. 27 of 1996; the South African Schools Act, (SASA) No. 84 of 1996.


All learners of schools going age will be admitted without unfair discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic or social origin, colour, gender, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language, HIV/AIDS status or any oher illness.


No tests will be administered on learners before they are admitted.


Registration of learners


The parents of learners currently enrolled at the school must confirm in writing before the end of September of the current year, their intention to retain their children at the school in the coming year.

The parents of learners who will be registering at the school for the first time must complete their application between August and the end of September of the proceeding year.


Late registration will be accepted if a vacancy exists up to a period not later than the tenth school day after re-opening in the following year.


Age restriction


A learner who is three years older than the permissible age in the grade applied for may be refused admission on the grounds of age and be referred to an ABET centre*


Documents necessary on admission


On admission all new learners must be in possession of the following documents:

- a certified copy of the official birth certificate
- a transfer card from the previous school attended
- the most recent school report from the previous school attended


Feeder Area


The primary schools in the same vicinity as the school offering IsiZulu; IsiXhosa; Sepedi or Sesotho will be regarded as feeder schools and learners from these schools will be given first preference.

Depending of the availability of vacancies learners residing further away from the school or from schools outside the feeder are may be admitted.


Register of admission


Particulars of learners admitted at the school will be recorded in the admission register.


Refusal of admission


Learners who offer languages and or subjects either than those in the school’s curriculum may be refused admission unless if they be willing to follow the streams as offered by the school.

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